Thursday, June 2, 2011

Where is the water in the world?

Where is the water in the world?
The earth is made up of approximately 70% water. about 90% of the water is in the oceans and the rest is in the form of fresh water, ground water and glaciers.  The figure below obtained from shows a representation of the distribution of water in the world.
Barcharts of the distribution of water on Earth

Majority of the water in the world is located in oceans, which are mostly salt water. Most of the freshwater in the world is located in all parts and regions of the world. The bodies of freshwater include lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and wetlands. There is not a continent on the planet that does not have at least one of these bodies of freshwater.
Accessible water is a very essential part of life. Unfortunately, a large number of populations have little or no access to water for their daily activities such as sanitation, farming and even nutrition. The major continents affected by this problem are Africa and South America, and Asia.
Potable water is also very scarce in some South American and African countries. In some of these regions, the people have limited access to water and the few water sources are nit safe for consumption.
Contaminated water is very high in all regions of the world. Our waters, even oceans and rivers are becoming more and more contaminated as a result of pollution caused by human activities.
The map below shows the regions that have poor access to safe potable water and high levels of contaminated water.

2. Where in the world are the good and accessible soils for agriculture, silviculture, and farming?

The good and accessible soils for agriculture and silviculture are located in different regions around the world but unfortunately, they have decreased over the years due to excessive cultivation. Below is a map showing the soils around the world and their different levels of fertility.

3. Where in the world is traditional industry? Where in the world is the high-tech industry?

The traditional industry has been around for centuries and still exists today in many parts of the world. It is predominant in developing countries but is diminishing slowly in the developed countries. The High tech industry is taking over the industrial world and as a result diminishing the traditional industry. Traditional industries are all over the world but high tech industries are predominant in the western world.

4. Identify the ten most populated cities in the world. Identify the ten most populated cities in the United States. Identify tribal groups in the world that have little or no contact with "modern society". Where is the greatest ethnic diversity? Where is the least ethnic diversity?
Most populated cities in the world:
Tokyo, Japan - 32,450,000
Seóul, South Korea - 20,550,000
Mexico City, Mexico - 20,450,000
New York City, USA - 19,750,000
Mumbai, India - 19,200,000
Jakarta, Indonesia - 18,900,000
Sáo Paulo, Brazil - 18,850,000
Delhi, India - 18,680,000
Õsaka/Kobe, Japan - 17,350,000
Shanghai, China - 16,650,000

Most populated cities in the United States:

New York City(New York) - 80082782
Los Angeles(California) - 36948203
Chicago(Illinois) - 28419524
Brooklyn(New York - )23006645
Houston(Texas) - 20277126
Philadelphia(Pennsylvania) - 15175507
Manhattan(New York) - 14875368
Phoenix(Arizona) - 13210459
San Antonio(Texas) - 125681010
San Diego(California) - 1223400

Identify tribal groups in the world that have little or no contact with "modern society":
Indians of the Pardo River, Brazil
The Awá, Brazil (see picture below)
Indians between the Napo and Tigre Rivers, Peru
Indians of the Envira River, Peru
The Ayoreo-Totobiegosode, Paraguay

Ethnic diversity can be based on different factors such as language, race, and traditions. Based primarily on language, the most ethnically diverse country in the world is Papua New Guinea, with a about 830 languages spoken. The least ethnically diverse country in the world is Vatican City with only 1 language spoken.

5. Where in the world are the people? What are some interesting statistics about the quality of life for the people of the world? (For example, how many large populations live great distances from clean water?
People are all over the world with
The least populated country in the world, with a population of 821 is Vatican City, while the most populated country in the world with a population of 1,321,851,888 is China.  Some interesting statistics about the world population in regards to quality of life is shown on this website below.
This website shows interesting statistics such as average life expectancy in some countries, religious distributions, death rates and birth rates, etc.

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